VRCosplayX după această sesiune cu Renee Rose CA PERSONA 5 ROYAL Kasumi s-ar putea să te îndrăgostești
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4K3840x1920Oculus / HTC Vive393,4 Mb
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Being wrongfully charged with a crime you didn't commit. sent as a punishment to a location you've never lived. Still, with the Phantom Thieves of Hearts, resolved to rebel for liberty and justice and to alter the hearts of the wicked! As the Joker, you believe you've seen it all, but you have to accept an unexpected new identity from the Metaverse who promises to assist you in vanquishing the most evil hearts ever found. If you didn't, would that be considered rebellious behavior? You never imagined falling in love with a fierce, attractive vixen who could outfight you! All is not as it seems, though. There are many layers to the incredibly flexible and in-shape Kasumi... or should we say Sumire? The stunning Renee Rose stars as the hottest character in Persona 5 Royal game, so get into the Metaverse and fuck for what's right!